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grayscale photo of people walking on street near buildings and tower bridge

Apache Flink Map vs FlatMap Transformations

I’ve been working with Apache Flink for some time now, and I often find myself deciding between using the map or the flatMap operators. Recently, I encountered a scenario where choosing the right transformation became crucial for my data pipeline. Here’s a quick comparison I rely on when making that decision: • map - Purpose: Applies
ten birds sits on wire

Redirection to 404 Pages with React Query and React Router

I remember the first time I worked on an application that needed custom 404 handling. I kept thinking, “There must be an elegant way to catch these errors and redirect the user to a stylish ‘Not Found’ page.” As it turns out, React Query and React Router together make this process feel quite intuitive, and

Waveform Widget Customization: Building a YouTube Subscriptions Widget in Waveterm

I’ve recently discovered how flexible Waveterm can be when it comes to customizing my terminal experience. One feature that truly caught my attention was the ability to create waveform widgets. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process of building a YouTube subscriptions widget by editing a JSON configuration file. I’ll explain each step
An empty road with two white lines painted on it

Downloading YouTube Transcripts in Python

I recently needed a reliable way to download transcripts from YouTube videos using Python. I was looking for a straightforward solution that wouldn’t require a complex setup or extensive third-party libraries. After exploring a few options, I decided to share my experience with a simple Python script that leverages the youtube-transcript-api package. In this post,
clear glass pitcher beside coffee glass

Determining Media Types from URLs

As a developer, I often encounter scenarios where I need to determine the type of media a URL points to before rendering it in my application. This could be crucial for optimizing user experience, ensuring compatibility, or simply for organizing content effectively. In this post, I’ll walk you through different methods I use to achieve
gray metal shelf with toilets and towel

Efficiently Scrubbing Sensitive Information in Python with Regex

Handling sensitive information is a critical aspect of software development, especially when dealing with user data. Whether it’s masking Social Security Numbers (SSNs), email addresses, or URLs, ensuring that this data is appropriately scrubbed is essential for maintaining privacy and security. In this post, I’ll share my experience creating a Python function that efficiently scrubs


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